Author Jodi Moore on Accepting Award for When a Dragon Moves In

When a Dragon Moves In, written by Jodi Moore, illustrated by Howard McWilliam

Jodi Moore accepted the Library of Virginia’s Annual Whitney and Scott Cardozo Award for Children’s Literature for When a Dragon Moves In last weekend!  Here is her account of the event:

WOW! The evening – the weekend – was extraordinary… just amazing! I am still pinching myself…what a star-studded, lovely weekend I had!

Virginia is a beautiful state, filled with warm, wonderful people.

The day started out with a scrumptious luncheon at the Convention Center, where all nominees were honored with medals.

We were treated to a Q&A session with the incomparable Tom Robbins, who was honored with a Literary Lifetime Achievement Award. What a fascinating man!

Following the luncheon, people were encouraged to buy the honored authors’ books and we were positioned at tables for signing. I’m thrilled to report that lots of people “adopted” Dragons! I was also interviewed on Sirius radio!

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